If I remove a member who has left the club from our website will all of his records disappear as well, i.e. competitions won, etc.? Thanks
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There is also an answer to this in our FAQ in the section on Site Maintenance-How do I remove club members from my site? Which I’ll copy here for easy reference: Removing members is useful if a person is no longer part of your club and you need to prevent them from logging into your site. Remove members by selecting them in the Admin Members area and unticking the "Member" box. You are warned that when removing a member: The person will no longer have access to members only site contact such as contact details of other members or other items that you have specified as "Members Only". All offices, availability, selection, stats and holiday dates for the member will be removed permanently - this will have to be re-entered if at a later date you reinstate the member. Their club member profile page will be removed. All competition wins and honours board entries for the member will be replaced with the members generic name eg. "J.Smith" instead of a link to their profile.
Hi Barry, When you remove a member their competition history is converted into what is called a “non-member winner” which is basically their initial and surname I.e “B.Excell”. You would still see a history and stats of a B Excell having won competitions in history but it would no longer be tied to a member login. Basically just a bit of text. Incidentally, should that member rejoin there’s a way of reversing this process on the Admin page if necessary. There’s an option at the top of the “competitions” tab called “associate competition wins with member” where you can replace any text placeholder back with a “real” member. Dave